Hey all one day i decided to clean the inside of ma PS2 so i took it apart using all methods to not touch anything that i mite break, i took out the ribbon cables just under the cd/dvd tray we the on button n that goes, wen i put the ps2 back togetha it didnt swicth on n i paniced.
A guy i know said "you've probs blown a fuse on your mainboard" yes i got that but the only thing how the hell do i find out if i have! i live in the UK so if any one knows any were i cud send ma ps2 so they can check and see if it is fixable.
Please help any 1
cheers Nathan
PS2 has died, 1 guy says its a fuse, PLZ HELP
i dont know how i blew a fuse but a guy who knows ps2's really well sed that ive more than likely blew a fuse i think ive blew it wen i was trying so many times to get it workin switchin off n on but i think its died ive ordered the new Slim Line version of the ps2 but still wanna try n get ma old 1 fixed but that wud b a bonus!
It may not be a fuse. It could be the cable put in wrong. If it's put in upside-down it wont work at all. If there's any fuse blown, most likely is the power supply fuse. If you've used a tester/meter before, use it and try and find where the power is not going to. Do not do this if you have no electronics experience, or don't know how to read a circuit.